Club Excel Afterschool Program
Now registering for the WAITLIST for 2023-2024 school year. Register your child, and you will be contacted when a spot is available. Please contact Lindsay Elliott at elliottl@joshuaisd.org with any questions.
2023-2024 Tuition Rates
Regular Monthly Rate $175.00
Additional Child Monthly Rate $165.00
Reduced Monthly Rate $145.00 (must qualify for rate)
Vision Statement
Joshua ISD will be a highly acclaimed model of educational excellence.
Mission Statement
Joshua ISD Club Excel will provide the necessary training and support in order to ensure a safe, secure and healthy learning environment.
Core Value Statements
JISD Club Excel provides a safe and orderly environment for students and staff.
JISD Club Excel sets goals and achieves high levels of success in supporting students and staff.
JISD Club Excel effectively and efficiently manages resources to promote student and staff success.
JISD Club Excel promotes pride and unity for students, staff, parents, and the community.
Joshua ISD Club Excel will support safe schools for students and staff.
Goal 1: The Club Excel Afterschool Program students will be supervised by an adult, certified in CPR and First Aid. Club Excel staff will receive training in the identification of Sexual Abuse of Children, Suicide Prevention, Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect, and bullying and harassment prevention.
Goal 2: The Club Excel Afterschool Program will prepare enrichment opportunities in core subjects such as Reading and Math, encourage physical activity through various lessons, and provide a healthy snack.
Goal 3: The Club Excel Afterschool Program will encourage and facilitate community involvement through various activities throughout the school year.