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JISD Missed School Day Waiver has been approved by TEA

March 3, 2023


Joshua ISD Logo


Joshua ISD has received confirmation from the TEA that the district’s Missed School Day Waiver has been approved. The waiver was submitted due to the ice storm in late January and early February. 

School districts in Texas are required to provide 75,600 instructional minutes per school year. JISD annually builds two and a half additional days of minutes for the potential of inclement weather closure(s). Therefore, any missed school days beyond those two and half days would need to be made up or a waiver would need to be submitted.

The waiver provides the necessary amount of make-up minutes needed so we do not have to bring students back to school on the May 30 and 31 for bad weather make-up days. The District will not have to adjust the current approved 2022-23 JISD calendar.